Sunday, May 17, 2009

She works haaaard for the money!

Well, it's Sunday night and I'm EXHAUSTED to say the least. I know this because although no one can see it, I've misspelled two words in this post already. I am a tired, tired, child! I didn't write about this (could've sworn I did though!) but good news to be announced, the Green Onion was gracious enough to take me back for the summer! I got right back into the swing of things, working 10AM to 9PM yesterday and 9AM to 6:30PM today. My feet hurt, my calves ache and the eczema on my hands is going CRAZY right now but despite that I'm overjoyed to be working again. I missed the constant business of that place and the craziness as well! Ahem, the pay doesn't hurt too much either ;D

I very much want to post more but it's just not in me right now. Tomorrow, however, shall be jammed packed with my random writings about life, love (??) and the summer that is 2009. Goodnightttt everyone!